Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Response/Darklite - in SID we trust

My fourth pure SID album is now out:
Also available on Spotify, Wimp, Amazon, iTunes, or wherever :) Just search for "Response of Darklite" and you will probably find me at your favoritestore/streaming-service! Happy listening!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Brandon Walsh - Old School, New School, High School

Our Swedish friend and above average Ketil Stokkan & Jan Teigen fan, Brandon Walsh just released a great album called Old School, New School, High School..

Also check out his podcast show at: http://www.bitartillkaffet.se  (Swedish language)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Xerxes - Droplets of Water

Long overdue, here is our progressive chillout master Xerxes with his latest producdion.....Listen and support the artist

Sunday, October 21, 2012

We won

Tft got 2nd in foto, Response 2nd in exe music at TRSAC


Takk til alle danskesvin og annet piss that made our stay awesome yet another year

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cowboyen Xerxes ;-)



Network Norway

Uber alles!

Tft has arrived

Tft has arrived! Cheers.

Hidden beer

In soviet norway u cant drink and drive train. Meeting up with kman,spexzter,xerxes soon.
Let the TRSAC preparations begin :)

xerxes place

<smil><head><layout><root-layout width="320" height="240"/><region id="Image" left="0" top="0" width="320" height="180" fit="meet"/><region id="Text" left="0" top="180" width="320" height="60" fit="meet"/></layout></head><body><par dur="5000ms"><img src="100MEDIA_IMAG2580.jpg" region="Image"/><text src="text_0.txt" region="Text"/></par></body></smil>
Da var vi på plass i Tønsberg å venter på TFT! Renoise i bakgrunnen, så det er gode ting.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sensible Software 1986-1999

A book is being published about Sensible Software. Amiga fans will remember them with classic games like Sensible soccer and Cannon Fodder.

Check out more here:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Join the Pounds Off movement!

Here is a special episode from the danish Henrik Basher Series, for inspiration to the FETTLESS LORT that are loosing weight thru the PoundsOff thing :)

This is Danish, but there are subtitles